Welcome Back Adopters
Kate’s Rescue for Animals works with many potential adopters but if we had to pick our favorites, we would choose the “repeat offenders”. One of these “repeat offenders” is the Hardt family. They adopted Bailey and instantly fell in love with his playful personality. Bailey quickly made friends with his [...]
A Tale of Two Tails
Just the Facts, Jack! On April Fool's Day an interesting article revealed the discovery of a hominid skeleton with a tail. At first, I thought it was a joke...dogs have tails, not people, but it was no joke. This would be the first time an archaic hominid was discovered with [...]
Get a Job!
This column is dedicated to helping the world understand dog's capabilities more fully. Do not expect your dog to be surprised cause they already know! Grab your popcorn and tag along! Have you ever met a Belgian Malinois? If you ever find yourself in a dark alley with one...please run! [...]
Therapy by The Sea
Lea came into rescue with more anxiety and PTSD from her horrible life than anyone could imagine. She was reactive to new sights and sounds and she greatly disliked men. The leash caused her panic attacks and just the mere act of putting her into a car would cause her [...]